Millennials' Financial Patterns

Technological advances constantly change the way we interact with companies, this effect is felt most strongly in millennials, (born between 1981 and 2000), this group has taken on greater relevance for the global economy and it is not surprising, since It is estimated that the 30% of the world population belongs to this generation and today they are the most representative within the workforce. This is why the financial sector focuses much of its efforts on the renewal and adaptation of the product portfolio and services constantly, thus seeking to generate a better service for the generation in which "customizable and practical" has become a whole religion.

How do they use finance?

Although the communication channels between people and financial entities have changed, the financial products that they obtain remain mostly traditional. The main product acquired by millennials is consumer credit with a weight of 36%, followed by housing credit with a 35% and, in terms of savings, it has been established that about 17% of their income goes to this end. It should be noted that, although they are considered traditional products, they have evolved to be more efficient, it is possible to obtain a credit in less than a day or open a savings account with just the cell number, and all this without having to approach a physical branch of the bank.

Source: Asobancaria

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